How much does it cost?
Our base price is $299 to feature your job for 30 days. We offer three options to help your ad stand-out further.
Every remote job listed with us will be shared with the Remotive network:
3,000,000+ unique yearly visits on
3,500,000+ monthly impressions on Google Jobs
100,000+ subscribers on our daily email job digest
85,000+ followers on LinkedIn
23,000+ followers on Twitter
1,900+ members in our private Slack Community

Highlighting your Ad will make it stand out among other remote job. Price: $358.
Your Job is highlighted
You get 2 tweets on our Twitter account
You get 2 posts shared on our LinkedIn account

Our most popular option, highlighting your Ad AND displaying your logo. Price: $398.
Your Logo is displayed
Your Job is highlighted
You get 2 tweets on our Twitter account
You get 2 posts shared on our LinkedIn account

This option gets you the most visibility and the best results. Price: $448.
Your Logo is displayed
Your Job is highlighted
Your Job is pinned to the top of its category feed for one week.
You get 3 tweets on our Twitter account
You get 3 posts shared on our LinkedIn account
Hiring for multiple roles? Save up to 40% with job bundles! Please email us to enquire!
Every remote job listed with us will be shared with the Remotive network:
3,000,000+ unique yearly visits on
3,500,000+ monthly impressions on Google Jobs
100,000+ subscribers on our daily email job digest
85,000+ followers on LinkedIn
23,000+ followers on Twitter
1,900+ members in our private Slack Community
1. Standard Visibility Option: Highlighting your Ad

Highlighting your Ad will make it stand out among other remote job. Price: $358.
Your Job is highlighted
You get 2 tweets on our Twitter account
You get 2 posts shared on our LinkedIn account
2. Plus Visibility Option: Highlighting your Ad & Displaying logo (Most Popular)

Our most popular option, highlighting your Ad AND displaying your logo. Price: $398.
Your Logo is displayed
Your Job is highlighted
You get 2 tweets on our Twitter account
You get 2 posts shared on our LinkedIn account
3. Premium Visibility Option: Highlighting, Logo & Pin on top (Best Results)

This option gets you the most visibility and the best results. Price: $448.
Your Logo is displayed
Your Job is highlighted
Your Job is pinned to the top of its category feed for one week.
You get 3 tweets on our Twitter account
You get 3 posts shared on our LinkedIn account
Hiring for multiple roles? Save up to 40% with job bundles! Please email us to enquire!
Updated on: 08/05/2023
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